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Error handling: Customizing error details: Info about the the path to the VI which has thrown the error



I need a quick advice about how to display in the error cluster the information about the path and VI which has thrown an error.


When I don't prepare my own error message, and the error is captured automatically, the information about the path, Vi name and calling VIs is presented automatically.


When I prepare/define my own basic error cluster I have only what I define in the string part of the cluster. 


How to cause tha apperance the path and VI name in my defined error message?

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Message 1 of 8
Are you talking about the custom error code node, or building your own error clusters from scratch?


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Message 2 of 8

From scratch, as below




but I'm open for suggestions.

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Message 3 of 8

Either use the Error Cluster From Error Code VI, or look inside it to see how it works.

Message 4 of 8

Use an error ring

You'll feel a lot better in the morning

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 5 of 8

@MimiKLM wrote:

You mean this link

That's helpful too but,  I had read "When I prepare/define my own basic error cluster I have only what I define in the string part of the cluster" as you wanted to use a file to expose those custom error codes and ultimately ship them with your solution dynamically rather than statically


The error ring will pick up any custom errors you define in the error file(s).  Including formatting!  this then populates the explain errors and error dialogs just like any error definition that ships with any LabVIEW component or toolkit.


Certainly, an error ring can also STATICALLY define or re-define an error within the application instance the ring is called from.  Those Error Rings are quite flexible!

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 7 of 8

Yes but the link yo sent is nor valid. 404

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Message 8 of 8