take a look at the diagram , and see where the error is thrown. To do this, go to the block diagram >> turn on highlight execution >> run the VI >> watch to see where the error occurs.
If the error comes out of a sub VI, then open stop the main VI, open the sub VI, place a breakpoint on the diagram of the sub VI, return to the main VI and run the main VI again (without highlight execution on). This time the code will pause at the break point, when you can turn on highlight execution, and unpuse the code. Watch to see where the error is thrown.
Once you know where the error is thrown, you will know how to proceed. If the error comes out of a LabVIEW primative (a block diagram object with a yellow background that doesn't open when you double click on
it - like DataSocket Read in LV 7), then have an application engineer take a alook. If it comes out of a call to the Applicom card (typically through a Call Reference Node) then you know that the card is having an issue, and you can look at stuff like board configuration (in devise manager), and what parameters you need to pass to the board via the provided driver.