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Events/state machine

Thank you for your kind words, as far as you allusion to "intellectual property" my personal view has always been to keep moving forward. I have found that trying to assert IP rights in the end hurts me. Time spent - wasted - defending (in the legal sense) what I did in the past, is time that would have been better spent learning how to do new stuff. Or to put it another way, look at all the cash Apple and Samsung have thrown away arguing over the radius of a corner. I can think of a lot better uses of that money.



@AKA_TG wrote:

"What I like about reading (Mikeporter) your blog (and I havn't read all of it yet) is that you have made a new discovery so to speak about state machines and

use of event structure; effectively turning the architecture inside out to address the common problem of state transitions taking away from the UI thread activity which we all know can make for a non responsive UI.


For me the jury is out on the implementation of your 'new way' versus careful implementation of the so called 'old way',

but again I have not yet read all of your thesis with total focus yet.


Nevertheless, what I really appreciate is that you have apparently not made such a big deal out of it as to go and call it an invention requiring a license. Thank you for sharing your very good ideas with all of us. I am a fan of your blog whenever I have extra time to read.


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