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Exaprom PDF: how may cells span multiple rows in the table body?

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I'm using Exaprom PDF but I have a case I just can't get to work.

I would like to generate a table where a cell spans on an entire row in the table body, the table should result as:







Dear Jean-Marc,

could you post an example how to span a cell on an entire row in the table body with the function "Append Customized"


For the example, please use the 2009 version.





This post refers to the Exaprom PDF report generation toolkit:



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7
Accepted by asper
Message 2 of 7

The example works fine, thanks a lot!

One more question, place an image inside the table cell works perfectly, but
is it possible to have text and images together inside the same table cell?

In affirmative case, which is the image placeholder?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

No it is not possible with this toolkit (User Manual - page 17):


Table Image or Text.png

In fact, with iTextSharp it is possible to have "text +image" in a phrase.  We could put this phrase (text + image) in a table cell but, you have to modify the toolkit and it is not small modifications...

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Sorry, I have missed the underlined phrase!

Thanks again,

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

That is indeed really helpful example!

I wonder if the vertical merge working or not, since there is no VMerge in the control interface while in the structure it has the VMerge field. 

I need do some vertical merge, but it just not works.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

As I understand Exaprom PDF can't do vertical merge of the cells. You can see, that the control VMegre is hidden in TypDef named "Cell, Alignment, LS and Font". The filename of this type def is "Cell, Alignment, LS and Font - hide Vmerge.ctl"...
I think it is possible to fix this, but it needs a further development of this library.

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Message 7 of 7