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Excel ActiveX Problem

Hello All,


I think every body knew that If I move spreadsheet ActiveX control from one version to other. It will not work and we need to reconnect. 


I built an application, which can be used in several countries and mostly I am facing the problem with ActiveX. Because of version change.


Now even we are thinking not to give Microsoft office to the customer to reduce the cost of machine.


So is there any LabVIEW internal tool, which can used to design as Excel and use. It is so important that not to use any ActiveX control of Microsoft.


Please let me know, if any body knows,



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Message 1 of 4


@LVTestek wrote:

Hello All,


I think every body knew that If I move spreadsheet ActiveX control from one version to other. It will not work and we need to reconnect. 


I'm not sure that everybody knows that, and I'm not quite sure I actually understand what you're saying here. Yes, if the ActiveX interface changes then you need to update the code to reflect the API change. I don't understand what you mean by "reconnect".



Now even we are thinking not to give Microsoft office to the customer to reduce the cost of machine.


So is there any LabVIEW internal tool, which can used to design as Excel and use. It is so important that not to use any ActiveX control of Microsoft.

The only thing that NI has available is the Report Generation Toolkit, but that requires Office in order to work. I do recall people asking about an interface to Open Office, but I don't recall how far any kind of development has gone related to that. You can do a search for "Open Office" and see what's available. What are you trying to create? Are you trying to create spiffy reports, or just saving data? If it's the latter you can probably get away with simply writing text files using the Write to Spreadsheet File VI or the Write to Measurement File VI.


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Message 2 of 4

Thank you for your message.


If I implement my application with MS Office 2003 ActiveX and if the customer is using MSOffice 2010 then my ActiveX implementation VIs will not work. I saw all broken wires. In oder to run I need to recompile my software at customer PC with new MS Office ActiveX. I hope now it is clear for you.


We do have different types of report layouts for each customer. So plain table will not be good.


OpenOffice may be a good option, but I am not able to create a ActiveX control for openoffice calc. If you know then please let me know.



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Message 3 of 4


@LVTestek wrote:

Thank you for your message.


If I implement my application with MS Office 2003 ActiveX and if the customer is using MSOffice 2010 then my ActiveX implementation VIs will not work. I saw all broken wires. In oder to run I need to recompile my software at customer PC with new MS Office ActiveX. I hope now it is clear for you.


I figured that's what you were talking about, but I just wanted to make sure. Thus issue has come up many times in the forum. In fact, it came up just recently again:



OpenOffice may be a good option, but I am not able to create a ActiveX control for openoffice calc. If you know then please let me know.

I do not, but I see that you've already asked this as a separate question. You should also check on the OpenOffice site and its forums to see what's available in terms of control via ActiveX or some other interface.


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