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Excel Report Generation Error

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Hello, @AndreeaH, and welcome to the LabVIEW Forums.


Here are some suggestions:

  1. If you have a question on a new topic, don't say "Sorry, it's not related to the topic", but start your own new topic.
  2. When specifying a new topic, make sure you clearly specify what you are trying to do (see suggestions below).
  3. It helps us to help you if we know something about your LabVIEW experience and training.  How many years (or months, or days) have you been using LabVIEW?  What version(s) of LabVIEW are you using?
  4. If you have "code that doesn't work", do your best to show us the code.  The best way is to include actual LabVIEW code (not "pictures" of block diagrams, but actual VIs).

Specific suggestions:

  • You mention "working in labview (there is no such thing as "labview", you probably mean LabVIEW) with an emg signal (explain what this is -- not everyone is an electrophysiologist).  What is the amplitude of this signal?  What are the relevant frequencies of the signal?  How are you recording it?
  • What do you mean by a "motor unit"?  [I've never heard of a muaps, but Google seems to suggest that MUAP can mean Motor Unit Action Potential].  Here is where a picture of the signal you are trying to acquire and analyze (showing one or more MUAPs and giving some idea of how you identify and separate them if more than one is present in a recording).
  • If you don't understand the signals you are trying to study and isolate, it is not clear that a LabVIEW "expert" will be of much help to you.  I'd recommend looking up scientific papers that deal with these signals and learning how others have dealt with the "separation" (or "filtering") questions you seem to be raising.

Please do not respond to this Post, whose title is "Excel Report Generation Error".  Instead, start your own Post.  If you want, you can copy this "Excel Report" reply and paste it in your new Message to get you started.


Bob Schor



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