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Exception: Access violation (0xC0000005) at EIP=0x651D6F56

Hey all,


I get a memory access violation in my development environment when I try to run my program. I tried to look at similar posts but so far I still haven't 

solved my problem. I can send my project code but it would need a Chroma 19035 in order to run. Please let me know if there's anything I could do to fix this. Thank you.


#Date: Fri, Sep 15, 2023 11:14:44 AM
#OSName: Windows 10 Enterprise
#OSVers: 10.0
#OSBuild: 19045
#AppName: LabVIEW
#Version: 19.0.1f5 32-bit
#AppKind: FDS
#AppModDate: 1/22/2021 09:34 GMT
#LabVIEW Base Address: 0x00A90000

InitExecSystem() call to GetCurrProcessNumProcessors() reports: 12 processors
InitExecSystem() call to GetNumProcessors() reports: 12 processors
InitExecSystem() will use: 12 processors
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 0 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 1 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 2 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 3 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 4 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 5 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 6 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 7 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 8 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 9 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 10 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 11 , capacity: 24 at [3777646487.42072964, (11:14:47.420729638 2023:09:15)]
"vi": "U:\\Documents\\LabVIEW Data\\Untitled Project 1\\",
"ctx": "Main Application Instance",
"type": "topVI"
] }

9/15/2023 11:23:36.007 AM
Crash 0x00000000: Crash caught by NIER
File Unknown(0) : Crash 0x00000000: Crash caught by NIER
minidump id: b631fafe-f70c-4aad-bc95-a99e04e8086c
ExceptionCode: 0xC0000005

0x7097161F - nierInterface <unknown> + 0
0x709764E4 - nierInterface <unknown> + 0
0x70975863 - nierInterface <unknown> + 0
0x76B32572 - KERNELBASE <unknown> + 0
0x7748495E - ntdll <unknown> + 0
0x77447AEE - ntdll <unknown> + 0
0x00000000 - <unknown> <unknown> + 0

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 1