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Executable can't find some vis

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It was a reasonably recent build spec (first created yesterday) but I did delete it and rebuild.


Unfortunately, I did the "always include" suggestion with the new build so I cannot say which action helped or if both were needed. Either way it works now...






- Jolt
0 Kudos
Message 21 of 29

I'm having this same problem.  This project does not target a RT system but I have recently been working on projects that do.


The build worked fine before but now at launching missing Not Found, Details Display & Set String all from the general Error.llb.


This error has repeated in more than one LV project.  The only thing that worked for me was to include these Error.llb vis in the "Always Included" source files when building the app.


This is clearly a bug!!




0 Kudos
Message 22 of 29

I am having the same problems. My project is very simple and does not call any VIs dynamically (at least not directly from my code). The following VIs are missing from the executable:
Set String in VI General Error Handler
Details Display in VI General Error Handler
Not Found in VI General Error Handler


After reading this post and playing around with it for a moment, I have found a solution:
- Delete anything in your build directory that is not put there by building your project.
- Find General Error Handler under Dependencies in your project and open it up.
- If it does not show any changes (from VI recompile), then force a change (by either changing a cosmetic on the front panel or moving a block diagram object forth and back with the arrow keys).
- Save the VI.
- Rebuild your project. The problem should be solved.


No need to delete your current build specification, it seems to be only that the General Error Handler needs a recompile. I too have been compiling for embedded targets recently (cRIO), and have not seen this error prior to that. I suppose that LabVIEW has silently recompiled the error handler VIs to trim out the unnecessary parts for embedded projects. Unfortunately, this has left them unsuitable for Windows projects. Oops.


Hope this helps!


Certified LabVIEW Developer

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." - Pablo Picasso
Message 23 of 29

Maybe it's a different problem, but the topic fits quite well: after installing LV 8.6.1 / WinXP I cannot run an executable because it misses a lot of VIs. Not only from error.llb, but e.g. XDataNode.xnode or files from picture.llb. Neither did Ctrl-Shift-Run to force a recompile help nor deleting and adding the build again. Adding the missing files as "always include" leads to other files missing, that were not missing before. The application runs on the build system. The Top-Level-VI runs fine without warnings or errors in LabView.


Enhanced DSC support is enabled and necessary.

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 29

Saving General Error Handler CORE. vi   fixed it.



Message 25 of 29



Just wanted to agree that the forced compile of the general error handler is the solution to this problem.


I had exactly the same missing files after building an executable for the PC in a project that includes a cRIO.


CTRL-SHIFT-RUN on the top level VI did not fix the issue.  CTRL-SHIFT-RUN on the General Error Handler did fix the problem.


Thanks to the smart people who figured this out.




Jeff Long, President
AutomationWorks, Inc.
Message 26 of 29
I ran into the same issue with LV 8.6.1.  Opening up General Error Handler, wiggling something on the front panel, saving it, and then rebuilding fixed the problem.  None of the other solutions in this thread worked.  Methinks 8.6.1 has a bug here.
0 Kudos
Message 27 of 29

For me my labview is missing the files below

-Not Found

-Details Display

-Set String


But I guess i found the solution... 

Copy C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\vi.lib\Utility\error.llb from a working labview and replace this file to the not working labview.

For your case i guess it may work in this way too.

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 29

I know that this thread has some age to it but I recently ran into a similar issue with a builder settings and a project that has worked fine for years. However I upgraded toolkits and LV to newer versions. 


What worked for me was clearing my cache and re-compiling everything. Addressing any errors that may have been reported. 

Message 29 of 29