10-15-2009 11:42 AM
I have a sub-VI with the following properties set:
Allow debugging
Reentrant execution
Share clones between instances
When I run the main VI with execution highlighting turned on for both VIs, the sub-VI never shows any action. What is going on here?
10-15-2009 12:30 PM
10-15-2009 04:04 PM
Thanks for the tip. I was aware of the clone issue and did not see that when I opened it either from the project or from the VI. However, now when I open the sub-VI by stepping into as you suggest, the clone number does appear. Nevertheless, execution highlighting still does not work. The light bulb is yellow but no data flow markers appear. If I release the pause on the execution, the execution highlighting simply returns to the calling VI.
10-15-2009 04:29 PM
10-15-2009 04:50 PM
I wish I could but no. I guess that compromises my chances of getting help. Actually, I don't see how seeing the code helps since it does work presently and the problem is not related to a code issue but a development environment issue but who am I to say.
I will try to remember to post an answer here if I discover it on my own. For now, I'll be out of the office till Monday.
10-16-2009 02:29 PM
Hi kc64,
Putting a breakpoint in the subVI works for me in LabVIEW 2009. What version of LabVIEW are you using?