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Execution is different based of Operating System

Hi all, I'm working on a software that has different executions based of Operating System.

It's a software that manage text file (.txt and .csv) and communicate with two TestStand's sequences to do test.

On Windows7 there aren't problem, on Windows10 I've a much, much slower execution, it crashes very often and a bad communication with TestStand that oblidge me to kill processes or restart the PC.

Anyone has similar problem?

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Message 1 of 3

Buongiorno, il software su cui sto lavorando presenta (a livello di eseguibile) comporamenti diversi in base al sistema operativo.

E' un software che gestisce file testuali (.txt e .csv) e poi interagisce con due sequenze di TestStand per eseguire i test.

Su Windows7 funziona senza problemi, su Windows10 abbiamo un'esecuzione molto ma molto più lenta, frequenti crash e difficoltà nell'interazione con TestStand, portando spesso a dover "killare" l'eseguibile se non a riavviare il PC.

Qualcuno ha avuto problemi simili?

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Message 2 of 3

From the NI point of view, there is no contraindication to using compatible versions of TestStand in a Windows 10 environment.
In the absence of further information about the software in question, it's not possible to determine what this issue may depend on.

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Message 3 of 3