Hi Cas,
I understand that you'd like to know three things:
1. What speeds to expect writing data to HDF5 files
2. If there are plans to upgrade the libraries to support HDF5 version 1.6
3. Relevant bugs and information relating to data streaming with HDF5
I am in the process of researching the issue, and I will let you know more information as it becomes available to me. In the mean time, I can tell you that there are no explicit bugs or issues with data streaming that we are aware of. If you haven't already seen it, there is general information HDF5 on our website in a knowledgebase document entitled "Can I Edit and Create Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) files in LabVIEW?". You can view the document at this link:
Thanks for contacting NI, and I hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Marcus G.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments