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Exporting Array to while Appending to File


I was looking through the forum to solve my problem but there were many different methods and I wasn't sure what was right for my purposes. 

I am using the DAQ Assistant to acquire an analog voltage signal which I can convert to 1D array data. The number of samples is set in the DAQ Assistant which limits the size of the array data acquired. After that number of samples it would overwrite the array with a new set of data of the set size. 

I want to be able to have the program run continuously and have a "capture" button which would start writing a set of data to a text or excel file and continue to append the additional array of new set of data to that file until I unselect the button. 


Currently using Labview 8.5

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Message 1 of 4
Write to Measurement File or Write to Spreadsheet File inside a case statement. This is extremely basic. Did you take the LabVIEW tutorial?
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Message 2 of 4

I did try out the tutorial but when I applied it to my application it did not seem to work. Sorry if this seems really basic but I have only been using this for two weeks now and have been limited on time. 

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Message 3 of 4
The on line tutorial is generic and if you applied some example that does not work, you need to attach your code if you want help in fixing it.

You've got a simple while loop with the DAQ Assistant, correct? Adding a case statement wired to a front panel Boolean should not take more than a minute to program.
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Message 4 of 4