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Exporting XY Graphs to Picture Files

Whenever I export an XY Graph to a picture file, the data always appears jagged (see attached) even when a suitable number of points in plotted.  I've tried all of the different plot settings including "Anti-Aliased".


Any suggestions?

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2Focused wrote:

Any suggestions?


My flippant response, reflecting years of frustration in this area, is to export your data to "real" data visualization software.  I have managed to turn Polaroid images of CRT oscilloscope traces into publication quality images, but I have yet to publish a single LV generated plot.  Hours of futzing around will still leave you with bitmapped fonts and random missing or grayed-out edges due to the oh-so-cool 3D effects.


The best you can do IMO is to export to an EPS file and then use Illustrator if you are lucky or GSView (free) to export the EPS to a high-resolution bitmap (PNG) if you want to use it that way.  The text will stink, no doubt about it.

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