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Exporting from Blender 3d object format WRML2 with 2 material texture

I will try some thing different in Blender using paint and adding a top layer with image wrapped see if it can fool LabVIEW in accepting image. If it does not work, I will try your suggestion, but it might not work, because LabVIEW see those formats different STL and WRM. I will get back to you soon. 

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Message 11 of 15


What I tried on Blender it did not work.The example on the forum that you suggested would not work for us  Yes, I understood it and might work with WMRL2. The reason I don't want to go froward with it is that is too complicated and it will take too long. One has work with the distortion that comes with applying it to the 3D object (formats like stl and WRML2) which one has to work untill gets it right.  If LabVIEW can read the textures from Blender or Solidworks correctly, It would be more faster to complete goal in LabVIEW.  Plus, I can get LabVIEW 2017 or 2018 because we have a plan with them.  I would like to talk to some one in LabVIEW who can help me or tell me when they could have that ability to ready WRML2 with an image already uv maped or uv edited or find an answer.   If some on can help that would be great. 

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Message 12 of 15

Hi lionDAG,


I have been working with your code and modified it to be the simplest version possible (one that has one object only and one rotating light), but I have not had any positive results so far. 


I was able to open both files "wsmrBODY1" and ATACMwhole12 and visualize them successfully using two third-party software: MeshLab and Windows Print 3D,  but not in LabVIEW yet.   I also converted your files to STL format using MeshLab, imported it into LabVIEW and applied a texture externally, but it did not yield positive results either.  The texture was not applied correctly, and it shows distorted. 


Additionally, to test LabVIEW's functionality of reading VRML2, I downloaded external VRML2 files with textures included (such as the attached "Retro_TV" file) from other sources, and I was able to visualize each of them correctly using the same program, and the structure responds correctly to lighting conditions.  


You may find included the modified VI version attached. Pretty much the only change in this one is that it is a simpler version to work with.  I'm also attaching an external VRML2 file in case you want to test reading that one. 



The only thing that passes by my mind now is if we are missing any of the points described here:


I would like to prompt you to read through this article and try to check if there are any changes on this file's configuration in Blender that could help to make it readable by LabVIEW according to the article.  Please check if there are any elongated polygons, and, if possible, iterate changing parameters when building the mesh in Blender.  


I will try to get further support on this case as well for you from my end. 

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 15

I will get back to you soon

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 15

I saw your "Retro_TV" with textures included which is the same thing I was talking about when I added color to the object which works fine.  I open the "Retro TV" with note and read the contents and it show that color was added to give it texture which is same thing I did and was working fine.  The problem that I am talking about accurses when one attaches a file like .png to VRML2 to give texture which is wrapped on the object skin or face. Some how LabVIEW distorts texture which is link to a .png, but I also discovered.  When I do simple square object LabVIEW will show the image perfect and not distorted but the light will not reflect on it which is another problem that I am encountering.  I will take your suggestion and fallow link you send me see if it make a difference. I will send you and example to show you what I mean about simple square. 

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Message 15 of 15