You don't necessarily need to use the Express VI Development Kit. You can right click on the express vi and select Open Front Panel. In doing so, the express vi gets converted into a regular vi. You can then modify it and save it as a REGULAR vi. It is no longer an express vi so you won't have the configuration window that pops up with an express vi, but you will have a regular vi with your modifications. You can call this vi just like any other vi as a sub-vi. The Development Kit allows you to create your own express vi's with a config window, or to edit express vi's and keep them as express vi's. The only advantage of express vi's is the configuration window which allows you to configure the vi easily and quickly. It is up to you if you want this feature or not. As pointed out earlier, express vi's are a good starting point. If it does the job, keep it as such. If it needs modifying, change it into a regular vi and modify it. There is nothing wrong with keeping it as a regular vi, and you save the cost of the development kit.