05-30-2021 05:11 PM
From a string of values, i want to extract the values closest to the value i entered in my web-page.( i want to input a range or something like this )
05-30-2021 05:23 PM
Can someone give me an idea, I would be grateful 😄
05-30-2021 09:50 PM
I have no idea what you want to do, nor how you are trying to do it. I see some fuzzy pictures, including something that might be LabVIEW code, but a picture of a Program is not much use to someone else who can't talk to you and have you explain what's going on. [Think about my showing you a picture of a 1000-line C++ program and saying "Why doesn't my program work?", particularly if I don't clearly tell you what I want it to do?].
Say clearly what you are trying to do. If there are inputs, describe the inputs. If you have an algorithm, explain the algorithm. If you have LabVIEW code, attach your LabVIEW code (these are files with the extension ".vi", not ".png").
Bob Schor