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FC1100 and LabVIEW RT

Hello everyone,


I am involved in a project regarding to the EtherCAT and LabVIEW Realtime Module (2013 Version).  For the EtherCAT, we use FC1100 slave card in a regular PC with LabVIEW RT OS to enable this PC as a slave, but the problem is that the LabVIEW RT OS cannot reconginze the FC1100 slave card (FC1100 card, in general, is a Internet card with PCI interface), I am trying to use NI-VISA software to program a driver for this FC1100 card, but I do not have the PCI device ID for FC1100 and Beckhoff company do not provide the hardwar manual reference neither, therefore does anyone know how to make this driver without PCI device ID using the NI-VISA?Or does anyone know how to program this driver for FC1100 other than using NI-VISA?


Any suggestion is welcome:)


Thank you,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

You shouldn't need a Device ID, only a manufacturer ID. I would highly recommend looking through the following documentation if you haven't already:

-Using the NI-VISA Driver Wizard and the NI-VISA to Develop a PXI(e)/PCI(e) Driver in Windows

-Instrument Driver Development Resources for NI-VISA Drivers


The first document is linked from the second document. It is extremely helpful and covers the NI-VISA Driver Wizard in full detail.

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Message 2 of 6

Hello djDannyK,


Thanks for your response,

your tips are very helpful, I implement a very simple driver without adding any interrupts to test whether the OS can recongize this PCI card. The problem is that when I make the driver for Windows OS, the Windows can use this driver to recongize the FC1100 card and then I copy this windows driver to the LabVIEW RT root file "C:\ni-rt\system" and I use the MAX on the host machine and I can see that the LabVIEW RT have reconginzed the FC1100 card, However, if I just make the driver for LabVIEW RT and copy them to the same file ,namely  "C:\ni-rt\system", and the MAX on the host computer cannot find that LabVIEW RT recongize the FC1100, do you know the reason why this happen ?


Thank you,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

So you are able to create a driver based on Windows OS and the FC1100 is recognized and works fine. However, when you attempt to create the driver for LabVIEW RT then the FC1100 is not recognized by anything? Am I understanding this correctly?

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Message 4 of 6

Yes, but if I move the driver file to the Labview RT, and in the LavVIEW RT it can recongize the FC1100.

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Message 5 of 6

I would highly recommend getting any and all information from the company that makes the FC1100 (a hardware reference manual for example). In order to developed a driver for this specific PCI card, it will be extremely helpful to have a hardware reference for documentation.

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Message 6 of 6