06-13-2007 12:26 AM
06-13-2007 12:54 PM
06-13-2007 01:31 PM
You sample signal 5 S/s so it is 2[Hz] band (Nyquist fsampling=2.56*fband). What do You wont to get ? What do you do FFT analysis for ?
06-13-2007 07:15 PM
06-13-2007 08:15 PM
06-13-2007 08:58 PM
06-14-2007 01:22 AM
"How can I find out which are my highest frequency? "
You should sample the signal with higher frequency then 5[Hz], but you ought foresee the highest frequency first (define band) in other to avoid aliasing (using antialiasing filter is recommend).
For example: you anticipated that the band would be 1-10[Hz] so you set rate min. 20[Hz] (25[Hz] recommend). The highest frequency possible to read will be 10[Hz].
06-17-2007 08:53 PM
06-18-2007 01:11 AM
06-18-2007 08:59 AM
He was asking how to create the array, not how to save data.
The easiest way to create an array is to simply wire the data to the edge of the while loop and where it exits, click on it and select 'Enable Indexing'. I removed the case statements to make it simple and I didn't really see much need for them. If you need them, then you can use a shift register and the build array function. Please note that with a while loop, the LabVIEW compiler does not have any idea of the size of the array that will be required. This means that memory will be constantly be reallocated as the VI runs and will not have optimal performance.