06-13-2014 10:29 AM
hi everybody,
i have a problem with timing on my FPGA, i would like to acquire a signal at 400khz, and the analogique/digital converter( NI5731) is working at 40MS/s, so one period of my sinewave should be described by 100 points, but what i see ( picture attached) is that one periode is described with 23 points. So it seems like the analogic signal is not sampled at 40MS/s as it should be. Any help ?
Thank you !
06-16-2014 02:21 AM
here are some pictures of my code
06-16-2014 03:52 AM
Hello jeanT !
You should do like in this example, you have to use a timed loop, with "IO Module Clock 0" on the input clock of this loop.
You can find some basics examples here :
C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2013\examples\FlexRIO\IO Modules\NI 573X\
Don't hesitate if you have more questions,
Best regards,
06-16-2014 04:01 AM
hi jerome !
Tank you very much for this answer i will try to follow the logic of your picture, i don't have the NI 573x example in my computer 😕 could you send it to me please ?
Best regards
06-16-2014 04:18 AM
for your information, i'm using Labview 2011
06-16-2014 04:54 AM
Et voilà !! 😉
It should open in LV2011
Best regards,
06-16-2014 05:04 AM
Thk you very much jerome ! infortunately, the version is still 2013 and labview 2011 can't open it 😞
06-16-2014 05:28 AM
Yes, unfortunately I can't easily give you those examples beacuse of FPGA toolkit version..
But here you go for FPGA vi
06-16-2014 05:40 AM
thank you very much ! but i don't have the "data edge trigger.vi" 😕 so i can't run it
i've got also another question, my aim is to filter the signal that i'm going to acquire, as the butterworth filter is not supoorted into a single timed loop, i got the idea to procede by a FIFO, see attached, but there is a timing problem i presume because the graph don't display the waveforms fluently 😕 it stay freeze.
Thank again !!!!
06-16-2014 05:42 AM
ok i found the probleme ! no worries 😉 but i still have the problem with the "data edge trigger.vi"