09-17-2014 03:26 AM
i'm developping a simple LV FPGA program on a compact rio using the 9401 module.
i'm tryning to controle sequencely the DIO of the module by a flat sequence (sequence -> delay-> sequence->delay) , (see picture attached), i'm not sure it will work,
what i your opinion on this side?
09-17-2014 03:30 AM - edited 09-17-2014 03:31 AM
use a flat sequence instead of a stacked one. Until now we cannot see, what's happening in those other 2 frames…
- You only open the FPGA VI ref once, so closing it twice seems not right to me…
- As your while loop never stops you will never close your FPGA VI ref…
Hint: Did you notice this little "Auto Cleanup" button in the menu? Guess what it's for…
09-17-2014 03:47 AM
You have to configure the DIO direction (Input/Output) first before accessing the IOs. By default your DIOs will be in the Input mode and you have to Enable the Output before accessing it as DO.
09-17-2014 03:50 AM
Hi GerdW,
😉 i always used "auto cleanup" button,
at the begining i tried the solution you described, but stacked sequence seems to me less consuming in the vi space 🙂
but i will re-use it,
olz see the picture attached,
Hi SASA, use a flat sequence instead of a stacked one. Until now we cannot see, what's happening in those other 2 frames… - You only open the FPGA VI ref once, so closing it twice seems not right to me… - As your while loop never stops you will never close your FPGA VI ref… Hint: Did you notice this little "Auto Cleanup" button in the menu? Guess what it's for… Best regards, GerdW CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 (sometimes even LV2014) on WinXP+Win7+cRIO Kudos are welcome
09-17-2014 05:35 AM - edited 09-17-2014 05:36 AM
09-17-2014 08:02 AM
Hi GerdW,
didi you have seen the waiting "ben" of 200 ms, it's a waiting time, didi you think the opposit?
09-17-2014 08:05 AM
yes I have seen the wait instruction between frame 0 and frame 2. But what's the wait time between frame 2 and frame 0?
When frame 2 is finished the loop iterates and frame 0 is executed instantly - resetting all DIOs so you will NOT notice any changes on the output pins…
09-17-2014 08:07 AM
HI GerdW,
so what solution you have in mind (delate the while loop)?
09-17-2014 08:08 AM
09-17-2014 08:30 AM
Hi GerdW,
I will come to you after testing the code.
Thank you very much.