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FPGA: first compile fails

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So I could reproduce the bug in a new project with a NI CLIP and even without CLIP.

Steps to reproduce:

- Create a new project

- Add a PXI RT target

- Add a FlexRIO 7965R target to the PXI

Create a new FPGA VI, add some code

- Compile the VI (make sure this is the first compilation since the start of the compile server, so either shut down the compile server before starting the compilation or start it manually before starting the compilation)

- I get the error just after the files are transferred to the compile server (in the PlanAhead state)


I didn't try with other targets.


I attached a sample project.


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 27



Would you mind retreiving the compile worker log and attaching that to this forum?


The worker log should be retreived immediately after the failed compile from

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\FPGA\CompileWorker\workerLog.txt


This can help us sort out whether this is the same problem Naity mentioned previously.


Nick C | Software Project Manager - LabVIEW Real-Time | National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 27

Here's the workerLog.txt.


Can you / anybody reproduce the issue?

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 27

@dan_u wrote:

Here's the workerLog.txt.


Can you / anybody reproduce the issue?

I havent tried so far. I wont be able today either but probably tommorrow the earliest. 

Florian Abry
Inside Sales Engineer, NI Germany
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 27



When you upgraded to LabVIEW 2012 SP1, did you also upgrade the FPGA module compilation tools to the 2012 SP1 release?


The tools can be downloaded here:


MAX doesn't report which version of the compile tools you have installed, so the easiest way to check if you aren't certain is to download and run the installer I linked above. If you have the correct tools installed, the installer will report that you already have the software installed. The error that is appearing in the worker log is indicative that the 2012 fpga module compilation tools are still installed instead of the 2012 sp1 fpga module compilation tools. The problem you are seeing was fixed in the 2012 sp1 release of the compilation tools.

Nick C | Software Project Manager - LabVIEW Real-Time | National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 27

That's strange. I didn't have LabVIEW 2012 installed on this machine before and I installed everything from the Developer Suite 2013 DS1 DVD set.

Also the NI Update Service doesn't report anything related to the FPGA module.

MAX says I have FPGA version 12.0.1, but I will check with the installer you mentioned.


0 Kudos
Message 16 of 27

I had the same problem.


Found the solution here: ID355167  


The PC I used to compile the FPGA Code had only 1GB RAM and I got the Error -61330. With 3GB RAM on the same PC I was able to compile the code without an error.


I hope this will fix your Problem. The Problem seems to be fixed in the next LabVIEW Version.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 27

@wolfgera wrote:

I had the same problem.


Found the solution here: ID355167  


The PC I used to compile the FPGA Code had only 1GB RAM and I got the Error -61330. With 3GB RAM on the same PC I was able to compile the code without an error.


I hope this will fix your Problem. The Problem seems to be fixed in the next LabVIEW Version.

Thanks, I read about this issue. But I would not expect the first compilation to always fail and the following compilations to always succeed if this was the issue. Anyway, I have 3GB of RAM on a 32 bit machine, and I use the /3GB switch (but for a different reason: without the /3GB switch compiling the host application always runs out of memory).


0 Kudos
Message 18 of 27



So there's some conflicting information here. Version 12.0.1 of the FPGA Module is 2012 FPGA Module f1 patch, not service pack 1. The 2013 Developer Suite DS1 would have installed version 12.1.0 of the fpga module. 


Is it possible that when you installed from the 2013 Developer Suite DS1 that you chose not to install all components including the FPGA module and the FPGA compilation tools?


The error that you're seeing should be impossible if you have the version of the tools with the fix installed, I've confirmed this with the developer that fixed the Corrective Action Request. The version number you provided indicates that you have version 2012 installed and not version 2012 sp1. 


The solution for this problem is to upgrade to the service pack release which is free if you have a SSP agreement with National Instruments.

Nick C | Software Project Manager - LabVIEW Real-Time | National Instruments
Message 19 of 27

For confirmation can you please post a MAX technical report?

Nick C | Software Project Manager - LabVIEW Real-Time | National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 20 of 27