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Failed to load shared library on RT target device.

I am using 7030 RT target. When I use Call Library Function Node with specified DLL library the application is working properly on Windows target. When I try to download the application on RT target PCI 7030 I get the following error messages: Failed to download Failed to load shared library EasyDLL.dll on RT target device. Because the application (attached to the question) is distributed with NI product I would suppose it is written OK. I would like to know what restrictions are imposed on DLL libraries which should be targeted on PCI 7030 RT target. Why the application with EasyDLL.dll can't be loaded on PCI 7030? Does it mean that Call Library Function Nodes are not compatibel with PCI
7030 target?! Thank you for any explanation.
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OK I downloaded your files and tried them with a PXI real time controller and the error you mentioned happened for me as well. After digging for awhile, here's the best explanation I could find:

1 - useDLL is calling other DLLs that are failing to download

2 - useDLL is accessing some of the Win API that is not supported by the RT OS.

Read more about this at:
Darin Gillis
NI - Chief Product Owner - VeriStand
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