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File dialog problem

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Good afternoon engineers



My problem is simple, I don't have much experience programming this software. In the VI and attached photo of an NI engineer, I have a file dialog that opens a window to choose the path but I want to change it to static, try build path but it sends an error, What I'm looking for is to create a new file in a fixed folder and leave the name dynamic with a control without using a dialog box. Thankstempsnip.png

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 create a new file in a fixed folder and leave the name dynamic with a control

How do you envision the name being dynamic?

You can easily hard code the path name using a file path constant.

Then use a build path function to combine the path and the "dynamic name".

Former Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)
Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author TORRESDANIEL

remove the file dialog and replace with build path.

Create a diagram constant on the upper input and a string control on the lower input




Of course you currently need to enter the name before even running the VI. Maybe you want to do a proper state machine instead, do more error handling, etc..

Message 3 of 3