01-07-2015 01:34 AM
Hi all,
1. i found a centre points two circles (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) . .. so i need to find the angle between these two points ,. i have used atan((y2-y1)/(x2-x1)) it is rad then i converted into deg..
2 . the calculated degree -87 i am getting negative degree..
but in Vision assitand i am able to get 270 degree .. everything is perfect ..
please help me to get solution for this .
01-07-2015 01:52 AM
01-07-2015 01:54 AM
Yes I did that .. is it possible to without doing 360 - 90
01-07-2015 01:56 AM
01-07-2015 01:59 AM
hi GerdW,
okay i agree .. then what is the difference between atan2 and atan ..
how to use atan2(y,x) is y is (y2 - y1) and x is (x2 - x2)?
01-07-2015 02:02 AM - edited 01-07-2015 02:03 AM
Hi saran,
you aren't familiar with popular knowledge databases like Wikipedia?
Reading the LabVIEW help is also a great source of wisdom… Wow, it also links to an example VI in the example finder!