06-22-2010 08:10 AM
I need to measure some LEDs with a network analyser and get the precious measurements data with Labview Windows.
To get the Y data (signal's answer), I use the command "A?" and it works perfectly.
My problem is, when I want to get the X data (frequency), all the commands I tried didn't work.
I tried : "F?" - "FREQ?" - "DISP FREQ" .....
I can use some help here please !!
Thank you in advance
06-22-2010 08:15 AM
The first question is, are any of those the appropriate command string for your instrument? What analyzer are you using? Is there a previously built LabVIEW driver for this analyzer? Can you post the part of your code that produces the command strings. What version of labVIEW are you using?
06-22-2010 08:28 AM
Thank you very much for your answer ( which is quite fast BTW ) !
Problem solved 🙂
06-23-2010 10:14 AM
06-24-2010 06:27 AM
Focusing on the frequency commands ( found in the manuel) wasn't the right thing to do !
Since the frequency was on X axe, I just wrote the command " X? " ( without " " ) and it worked !
Hope I was clear enough