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Front panel property: Selection list


I came across a very useful Front panel property called the Selection List. The Labview help says that it is an array of references to the selected objects in the panel. But i am unable to figure out how it functions. How do i select the objects so as to get their references with the help of this property?

I need to change the property (size, location) of a few controls (not all) on the front panel. I figured that this property will be more useful than creating individual property node of the required control, as i need to set properties of 10-15 controls for each front panel of my application. Unfortunately, i dont know how to use this property.

Can anyone help me out.........

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 21
Hi Pavitra,

I don't know what should come out of the property you mentioned... In fact I couldn't figure out how to "select" an object on the Panel so as to see it in the list.
But in your case, I think you should use the "controls" property, it returns the list of all controls/indicators in the order they were created ont the front panel, well this is waht I would do...

Hope this helps a bit 😉

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 21
Thanks for ur help.....

Well, you are right, i can also use the controls property....I was just looking for a way to avoid a tedious step of sorting the controls array.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 21

The selection list property is only relevant when the VI is idle. Once it is running (or reserved) no objects are selected. This is useful when operating on other VIs in edit time, like this example, where the VI only grabs the selected controls.

What you might want to do is put the controls in a tab. Functionally, it will be identical, but to get the references to the controls you will need to get the reference to tab and then the reference to the page. If you can't do that (for instance, if your controls are spread throughout the screen), you can build their references into an array and use that in a loop. See this for an example.

Try to take over the world!
Message 4 of 21
hi Pavitra,

I've not used Selection List & Controls Property in my application yet.

Can you post an example that U re using now. It'll be a good learning opportunity for me.

Pls post Ur VI saved for LV7.1.

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
Message 5 of 21
Hi tst,

Thanks a ton for clearing my doubt. Hopefully, i shall find a solution in one of ur examples...

Partha, i will forward the example once im done.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 21

Would be possible for someone to answer the question about how to get at the Selection List of the Front Panel properties?  An example would be worth a thousand words.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 21

Isn't this only available with scripting?


Edit: I lied, I guess it is available. Also, this thread is 4 years old...

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 21

Should I start a new thread on this topic?

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 21


@wildcatherder wrote:

Would be possible for someone to answer the question about how to get at the Selection List of the Front Panel properties?  An example would be worth a thousand words.

I did link to a couple of examples in my previous post, but basically, you get a reference to the front panel, wire that reference into a property node and select the Selection List[] property (assuming it appears in the list, which will depend on your LV version).


Try to take over the world!
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Message 10 of 21