09-15-2011 03:33 AM
Sorry mate, still the same error, tried many different ways like with or without "to virant" or push text to the BCD inputbut the erroroutput always: Incorrect function. in GrantVIEW 0.2.vi.
But i think ik will be difficult becasue:
This is what the VB code says:
Dim bCommandData As Grant20xxCOMDriver.t_bCommand
Dim grantComDriver As Grant20xxCOMDriver.cGDLCTL32
And i can choose between 2 options in LabVIEW when importing the DLL (activeX way)
If you cant see the picture, go to options.jpg, added to this post.
Now i see 2 times cGDLCTL32 but they have both the same methods/property's so i guess, LabVIEW can't "find" the fuction t_bCommand,
maybe i can manually add this function on a differnt way?
09-15-2011 05:12 PM
Well, perhaps you tried this as well, but if you didn't, try wiring a constant of the correct data type (the output cluster) to the BCD input.
There's no way in LabVIEW to get access to a data type defined in an ActiveX dll - you can get access to properties and methods but not data types, and that's what bCommand is. You should be able to duplicate the data type in LabVIEW, though, by creating a matching cluster, so there's not really a need to get access to it.
The two versions you see in the Select Object dialog are probably the same, but it's best to click the "Show Createable Objects Only" checkbox and choose the one that appears when you do that (if both of them still appear then it doesn't matter which you pick).
If you need this resolved, and can't get it working, let me know and if I have time next week I'll try installing the all the Grant software and see if I can find a solution.
09-19-2011 05:34 AM
Sorry nathand, but with a feedback mode with the cluster doesn't work either.
Okay, thank you for all your help so far!