04-17-2024 11:47 AM
My GPIB instrument(The YOKOGAWA WT230) is showing up in NI MAX and responding to communicate with instrument.
But once in LabVIEW 8.5, the YOKOGAWA under the adresse GPIB0::6::INSTR doesn't show up and the visa ressource can't find it. either the GPIB. here is a screen shot of my test.
The WT230 is connected on a PCI-GPIB card with use the 488.2 of the instrument.
and yes my visa32.dll is installed
Thank you
04-17-2024 03:37 PM
04-18-2024 03:40 AM
Here is my NI MAX
04-18-2024 11:37 AM
Hmm... that last screen seems to suggest that you need to re-install some software.
I'd go back to the vendor's LabVIEW drivers. What are your choices for "VISA Resource Name"? The GPIB instruments often have a GPIB address in their resource name unless you set some kind of alias in MAX.
04-19-2024 02:43 AM
I tried to install and re-install the software many times, but I still have the same failure. Something went wrong! I just don't undrestand why it's working in NI MAX but not in LabVIEW or Visual Basic.
My GPIB address in NI MAX is GPIB0::6::INSTR which I set in Alias for YOKOGAWA as you see in previous screen. But VISA RESSOURCE NAME couldn't see it, i had to type it. Here is a screen from my Visa ressource choices.