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GPIB error with my EXE

I made a program used to translate the front panel of VI's using a .lang file.
The program is perfectly running and working.
So I made an executable in order to share it with my colleague but when I launch the executable this error message appears :

Error 1 occured at Write to Text File in Translation_1.2.1.VI
Possible reasons :
LABVIEW : an input parameter is invalid
NI-488 : Command requires GPIB Controller to Controller in charge

The fact is I'm not using GPIB hardware and, like i said just before, the program itself runs perfectly, so I don't think I misswired some functions.

Someone can tell me what's happening?
CLA, CTA, LV Champion
View Cyril Gambini's profile on LinkedIn
This post is made under CC BY 4.0 DEED licensing
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Message 1 of 7

i think i can tell you what happened: first of all, the list you stated is a list of POSSIBLE error-reasons. Since you do not use NI-488.2, you can leave that message out. leaving you to one solution: "an input parameter is invalid".
this error is created by your save function most propably for the following reason:
i asume you are using relativ paths for saving and loading your files. but the "current VI's path" function returns a different path if it is included in the executable. just stripping away the VI-name is not sufficient anymore. please take a look into this link.

Norbert B.
CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
Message 2 of 7

Norbert B,


I'm having the same trouble that my "list folders" function in my program.  When I try to view you link you ask zyl7 to do I'm unable to access this link.  Could you please send me this link so I can review what you have relayed to zyl7.


Thank you,

Gary Tyrna

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Message 3 of 7

I believe the link that Norbert was using was this:


Why Does My Executable Not Work When Using the Current VI's Path Constant?


Message 4 of 7

Smervurio_fc, thanks you for the information but my problem is in the development environment and I get the error.  When I read zyl7's I was focused on the error message since it match what I was getting and I was hoping that the answer would have pointed me to something in the code.  I'll keep searching to see if this has shown up in the development environment.

I'm running LV 8.0 and I believe that I have an issue with the path I'm giving the "list folders" function so I'm going to beat up on that before I post anything, I hate to waste other peoples time on a pilot error.


Thanks Again,


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Message 5 of 7

Dear Gary,


As far as I remember the problem was coming from the start path given to the "list folder" function. I was buiding this path according to "This VI's path" but not adapting it to the fact I was running the code as an EXE...

CLA, CTA, LV Champion
View Cyril Gambini's profile on LinkedIn
This post is made under CC BY 4.0 DEED licensing
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Message 6 of 7



Thanks for the heads up and the problem was what I was passing to the list folder.  I had to go back to the function and change what I had to (trying to concatenate onto a current path) build a new path and that seem to cure the problem.  I believe it could have something to do with the path being a network path and not a local.  There was also a error in my original path and with permission to the network folder, so it was a bit of a hoop jump.


Thanks Again,


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Message 7 of 7