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Galvo mirror scanning image

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Hi all,


I would like to use  galvo mirrors (GVS012, thorlabs) to do x-y scan and get signal from APD in order to get a x-y scanning image. The attachment vi is used to control the galvo mirror with continuous wave, but I do not know how to set the scan speed or the waiting time for each point, as it needs some time for the APD to get a signal.  Can anyone help me?





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Message 1 of 8

Hi Mei,


It looks like this is part of Scientifica's SciScan product. As far as I'm aware, there are front panel controls for you to do exactly this in SciScan. If you're using Scientifica's stuff, they have a support department you could contact.


Generally speaking, if you want to change the scan speed you can alter the 'Rate' control that's connected to the DAQmx Timing VI. Rate can be looked at as 'samples per second'. As the VI you have attached is hardware timed you don't need a wait inside the while loop as the DAQmx task will control the timing for you.

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Message 2 of 8

Hi Tom,


Thanks. My galvo mirror is from thorlabs. I want to scan a x-y image finally, but I do not have idea about how to scan x,y direction. Can you please give me some suggestion?





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8
Accepted by M.Mei

You would have 2 DAQmx write tasks, one for X and one for Y that you can treat independently. The two tasks would have to be synchronised so you can point your laser where you want.


So the X-task would go steady in one direction, and Y-task would have a triangle wave.

Message 4 of 8

Hi Tom,


Thanks. I tried to write according your suggestion. Can you please tell me how to convert 1d array to 1D waveform?





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

A waveform is a cluster made up of an array of amplitudes, t0 and dt. If you look in your functions palette underway form you will see a build wavefrom function.

I recommend pressing Ctrl+h to look at context help, while hovering over the function to find out exactly how it's used.

Message 6 of 8

Hello All,

I have RC1001 Galvanometer scanner. I need to operate this using Labview. But I don't know how to operate it. Can anyone please tell me how to operate this? Which method or code should I follow? Also How to measure the angle of the scanner while rotating? 



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Message 7 of 8

Hello Mr.Mei,


On this side, I am trying to do the same thing coincidently.

Could you share the theory behind the program to understand?

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Message 8 of 8