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Generating analog voltage output signals with USB6008 from a text(lvm) file

Hi, everyone!


I am trying to generate analog voltage output signals with my USB6008. I specified the voltage signal values into a text(lvm) file,(The values are 2, 1.9, 1.8, 1.9, 2) and I am trying to send the datas via "Read from Measurement File" to "Daqmx Write". Unfortunately, I can not succeed to generate the desired voltages. You can find my Labview Block diagram, enclosed. Any help is appreciated. My second question is; if we are able to generate the desired voltage output signals, is it possible to change the timing between two signal values. 


Best Regards,



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Without your data file or sample data saved as default in the Output Data indicator it is hard to tell what will happen.


I think that including the Tick Count (Millisecond Timer Value) in the data you send to the AO Write is useless and may be part of the problem. Put an indicator on that wire and watch to see what it does. There is no way that the AO Write can meaningfully interpret that data.


Since the USB-6008 has software timed outouts, I am not sure what the AO Write NSamples actually does.  Assuming that your waveform is slow enough that the <= 150 Samples per second that you can get from the USB-6008 is useful, I would convert the Dynamic Data Type from the Read from Measurement File VI to an array then autoindex into the loop where it would Write one sample at a time.  Your delay needs to be longer than 1 ms.



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