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Get Duty Cycle from Analog Voltage input DAQ module

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I am new to labview. I have an analog voltage input DAQ module. I am trying to get the duty cycle from a squarewave (generated from a function generator). What is the best way to go about this? When I use the vi to aquire duty cycle from an analog wave the values are incorrect.

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Message 1 of 5

Have you tried the Pulse from the Signal Processing >> Waveform Measurements palette? 


To get good answers you need to ask good questions. Simply saying that "the values are incorrect" does not give us any specific information about what you have tried, why you think the values are wrong, whether you get any error messages, and so on.


Please post your VI with some data saved as default. Also tell us what the duty cycle should be. Have you measured it independently (with an oscilloscope) to verify that it generates what you think it does?



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Message 2 of 5

Hey Lynn,


Thank you for the response and sorry for being so vauge. I have tried using the Pulse and I have also checked the signal on the scope and it checks out. The issue with the Pulse is that it does not give me the correct duty cycle, when duty cycle is changed on the function generator the Pulse outputs a 50% duty cycle. I assume that its becuase its the duty cycle off the sampling.


I am not sure if there is some waveform function to get the duty cycle from a digitized square wave or if have have to do some sort manipulation and then get the futy cycle.

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by momo2000

Please post your VI along with some actual data from your signals so we can see what is going on.



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Message 4 of 5

Thanks for you help I just ended up getting an NI 9401 module.

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Message 5 of 5