01-19-2022 07:38 AM
I am preforming a FFT reading of a signal input. I want to extract the max magnitude of the response or obtain the average magnitude between two bins. I see it in the graph but not sure how to extract the values .
any advice on this would be appreciated.
Thank you
01-19-2022 07:50 AM
Looking at the fft png ... looks like the source is a sine frequency ... have you tried tone detection.vi ? (or extrac tone. vi..)
01-19-2022 11:48 AM
@montcuky wrote:
I am preforming a FFT reading of a signal input. I want to extract the max magnitude of the response or obtain the average magnitude between two bins.
Can you take a step back and explain what you are trying to do, not how you are trying to do it?
Who wrote this code? There are quite some puzzling constructs, such as the following: