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GetValueByPointer in NXG

I was trying to recreate something in Labview NXG that I had working in original Labview (code below). Everything in NXG works fine expect for when I reach the function "GetValuebyPointer". I was trying to do something like use VI interop in NXG to get that functionality out, but every time I do so NXG crashes. I was wondering if anyone knew a way to use the "GetValuebyPointer" command within Labview NXG, either by using VI interop or recreating the functionality some other way. 


GNSS attempt is the working regualr Labview file, Function is the NXG attempt to recreate it, and was my attempt to use GetValueByPointer using VI interop


Since the VIs are interfacing with equipment and using a DLL to do so, it might not work on your computers, but mostly I'm just looking for a way to use GetValueByPointer in NXG

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