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Godex Printers

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Has anyone worked with Godex printers and labview before? 


My end goal is printing labels for products on an assembly line that are tested with an ATE developed in LabView.  Due to the flexability of our production lines, many images are required on the labels.  Each label is unique as it contains serial number and hardware information.


I am able to send commands over the serial port to print images that are already stored on the printer, but loading up the flash cards ahead of time is a bit of a pain.


What I would like to be able to do is to send an image to the printer in the same manner that Q-Label (Godex's utility) does.


Has anyone attempted to do this before?  I believe they use a proprietary format for transfering images, so I am not expecting to have a lot of success here.

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author ctardi

I received a prompt reply from Phil at Godex, and just throught I should post the response so that any future searchers may find this.


The EZPL command set offers several methods for printing graphics. One of the most simple commands to work with is the Q command. You would issue it after the ^L(label start) command. It requires four parameters; X coordinate, Y coordinate, width of the graphic in bytes, height of the graphic in printer dots, followed by <CR>. After that, send the data for the image and terminate it with <CR>. On the E command, the printer will print the result.


To see a real world example of this, set a Godex driver to print to a file. Open up a word processor such as MS Word/OpenOffice Writer. place a graphic on the page and print it. You will be prompted for an output file name such as C:\test.txt. Now open the test file in an Hex Editor and examine the control codes.

Message 2 of 4



Hi friend,


I have a problem whit a printer Godex. I can't print labels from LabVIEW, i'm getting this error 


Unknown system error (miscellaneous error)


Please, could you helpe whit this problem.


Advice if you know the solution.


Best Regards

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Message 3 of 4

Hi there,


Through what means are you communicating with the device.  You may want to check out this knowledge base.


Hope this helps.

Cole R.
National Instruments
Software Engineer
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Message 4 of 4