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Graphing Oscilloscope Data and Exporting Data



I have a Tektronix TDS 210 Oscilloscope hooked up to my computer, which has LabVIEW 2010 on it. My computer does not have internet on it. I assembled my current code based on: . I can run the code once, then I get an error message when I try to run it again (error message attached). So that is problem 1.


Problem 2 is storing the data from the oscilloscope so that I can get it on a flash drive. The ideal goal is to export the information to Excel, however the computer with LabVIEW does not have Excel (or the internet). The computer does have OriginPro 8. If someone could please help me, I have never used any of these programs before.


Ideally, I need to assemble a code to run (not just one time) and store data from the oscilloscope then be able to export that data and assemble a graph. Thank you in advanceerror1.JPGerror2.JPG

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Message 1 of 6
  1. The error message is telling you where to start troubleshooting.
    1. What have you tried so far?
  2. Saving a scope sweep to a file Excel can read does not require you to have Excel on your computer.
    1. A scope sweep is nothing more than X and Y numerical data
    2. Even text file will work


=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Message 2 of 6



Thank you for your reply. 


I have since added some things to the block diagram. I have attached a picture of the current code, which no longer results in that error message that I was seeing, and I can stop and start the execution without a problem.


In regards to the Scope Sweep, how do I go about doing this and could you explain further on how that works?


Thank you.



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Message 3 of 6

Well to begin with post your actual code NOT a picture of your code.


I can't troubleshoot pictures of code, but I can open and maybe even run actual code.


I don't have that exact scope here, but most scope vi's allow you to chose what the format of it's output is. In general you want it to output a 2D Array of numeric, not a "waveform".


If that is not possible then you can use the Waveform Cluster tools to get the X-array (dt) and Y-array data, build them into a 2D array and save them to a file using "Write to delimited"





=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6



I just put my file on a USB, connected my USB to a computer with internet, and attached it here. The computer that I am working on that has LabVIEW, does not have internet, therefore I do not know if the attached file will even have anything. Please let me know, as well as what to do if there is nothing in the attached file.


Thank you.

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Message 5 of 6

A "Scope Sweep" is simply the time vs voltage data that is generated while the scope is collecting.  Each time the scope is triggered you get an array of Y values (voltages) that are evenly sampled in some time interval (the time base you set on the scope).   With the Y array AND the time interval you can reconstruct the graph you see on the scope screen in Excel or whatever.

You already have all that data.  You can see the Y array in that bundle node (which you don't need) before the graph.  Also on that wire are the time interval (dT) and start time (t0 - not really needed unless you care what time and date you collected that sweep).

What you are needing now is a VI that can store that waveform data to a spreadsheet file (Comma or TAB separated so it easily opens in excel).  There is probably a VI for that in the driver package for the TDS210 so look there first.  You can also use the write waveform to file VIs in the waveform palette.  You can also just use the File VIs and write the data yourself with your own headers, extra info or whatever else you might want.

Once you have a data file you can move it with a USB thumb drive to another PC.

See what you can do and post back.  Post your VI if you can instead of a JPG so we can modify it and send it back.  (Actually, post a JPG too since I'm at a new job and don't have my LabVIEW installed yet.)  Also, most of us here would rather help you figure it out than just code it for you so please understand that. Smiley Happy

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
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Message 6 of 6