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Hardware Compatibility issues

Dear Support,

It would be an important question to ask.
Unfortunately, you can not find this product.
The NI PCIe-6343 card is compatible with the following server?
DELL szerver PE R730 XD, 1x 6C E5-2620v3 2.4GHz, 1x16GB, 2x300GB SAS 10k + 2x2TB NSAS, H730/1GB NV, iD8 Ent. 8GBvF. +1x8GB SD, RPS, Sín+Arm, (12x 3.5"+2x2.5" Hot-Plug).
Dell PowerEdge R730 XD 13G (R7335122S2U);CPU:(2/1) Intel X E5-2620v3 2.40GHz, 6C, 15M Cache, 8.0GT/s QPI, Turbo, HT, 85W (Chipset Intel C610);RAM:1x 16GB DRSVRD 2133MHz (1x 174605) (2x12Slots);HOT PLUG:Igen;HDD:2x 300GB (600GB) 2,5" SAS 6Gbps 10k (2x 174567) + 2x 2000GB (4000GB) 3,5" NSAS 6Gbps 7,2k (2x 174580);RAID:Igen, Hardveres PERC H730/1GB NV Cache, BBU, PCIe kártya, kábel a szerverben (R0/1/5/6/10);LAN (Int.):4x 1GbE BRC 5720 DC, iSCSI ready;LAN (+):Opciónális;ODD:-;PSU:1100W (2x) PSU Dual, Hot Plug Redundant + 2x 2M Rack Power Cord C13/C14 12A;REMOTE:iD8 Enterprise + 8GB vFlash;GPU:Opciónális;I/O:7x PCIe G3, 3x x8 (HL HH), 3x x8 (FL FH), 1x x16 (FL FH);SD CARD (Int.):1x8GB SD;VGA (Int.):Integrated VGA;VGA (+):Opciónális;BILL+EGÉR:Opciónális;OS:Opciónális;DOC:HUN;SÍN:Rack Rails with Arm.
Many Thanks
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Message 1 of 6

What is the question?

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Message 2 of 6



That would be the question of the NI PCIe-6343 card is compatible with the DELL R730xd server. I am thinking of the PCI interface.





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Message 3 of 6

Hi Attila,


just ask Dell if their computer still supports that PCI slot (and provides enough space for your PCI card)!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 4 of 6

Dear Attila,


The short answer to your question is yes, as long as you are running a supported operating system.


I am also copy-pasting the long answer that I gave to your colleague when he contacted TechSupport:


Hivatalosan nem rendelkezünk PC/Server kompatibilitási listákkal, de az NI is Dell gépeket használ, ezért ha valamit javasolnunk kell, akkor nem hivatalosan mi is Dell gépeket szoktunk javasolni.
Amennyiben szabványos a PCIe port, és támogatott az operációs rendszer, akkor menni fog a kártya.

Támogatott operációs rendszerek:
The following operating systems are supported in NI-DAQmx 14.1:
Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows Vista Business edition, Service Pack (SP) 1 or greater (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows XP, SP3 or greater (32-bit)
Windows Server 2003 R2, SP2 or greater (32-bit)
Windows Server 2008 R3, SP1 or greater (64-bit, not supported on Server Core Role)
Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)

Server operációs rendszereknél túl szigorú biztonsági beállítások telepítési problémákat tudnak okozni, ilyen esetben kérje a helyi IT segítségét:
A drivereket adminisztrátori joggal, ha lehet kikapcsolt tűzfal és mindenféle vírusírtó/védelmi program mellett célszerű telepíteni.

Best Regards,
T Simon
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Developer - Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 5 of 6
Right, many computers are so thin that even though a card can plug into it you can't get the case back.on afterwards. Also there can be a problem where all the PCI slots aren't usable because of cards that the vendor uses (video boards can be particularly bad due to large heatsinks that block adjacent slots).

In any case these are things to be asking Dell.


Certified Professional Instructor
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

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Message 6 of 6