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Has anyone loaded a LabVIEW generated .NET interop into a .NET 4.0 CLR application?

I am working with some C# developers to integrate a data acquisition piece into their software. They are using .NET 4.0 and we have found that attempting to load a LabVIEW generated assembly will always return an error unless the CLR is downgraded to 3.5. I am not a C# developer, so forgive me if what I just said doesn't make a lot of sense. I guess a related question is, can we use LabVIEW to generate a 4.0 runtime compatible .NET interop? I'm using LabVIEW 2011 32bit.




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Message 1 of 5

I think .Net 4.0 is simply not supported. 

For Teststand I have found a document pointing exacty this out:

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Message 2 of 5

I've read through that article. I may have misunderstood, but it seems like it specifcally addresses the reverse case from what I am trying to do. I fear the answer is the same, but I didn't see it explicitly said. I want to create a .NET interop in LabVIEW, and then allow my C# developers to utilize it in their 4.0 CLR application. I saw something indicating that a program can only load one CLR at a time; if that is the case, it means that 4.0 CLR app will not be able to execute a LabVIEW generated assembly that only runs in CLR 2.0. I'm a little surprised that CLR 4.0 isn't backward compatible with CLR 2.0 code, but I don't really understand how that works..


If that is the answer, I need to look at alternatives.




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Message 3 of 5

Is there any update to this?  Is this now possible in any of the newer versions of LabView?  Thanks.

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Message 4 of 5

I can barely remember this question. I ended up doing everything with a LabVIEW generated dll. The C# guys got it to work and that was the end of the story. I never went back and looked at the .net interop again. No idea if any of this has changed with LV2015.

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Message 5 of 5