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Have you tried converting DL850 / DL950 Configuration set files to readable format ?

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Hi all,


we are currently using yokogawa DL850 instrument for our test platform. we are upgrading to DL950 and want to reuse the configuration file(.SET) generated in DL850 Instrument. But we couldn't use the same file in DL 950 and also it is binary format. we couldn't see the content and why it is not accepting ? 


Appreciate your views and thoughts.

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Message 1 of 6

That is a good question to ask the manufacturer why those are incompatible and how to decipher the binary data into a human-readable format.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 2 of 6

we have requested manufacturer on this, yet to get solid solution for this situation. I would like to know how others handles this situation.


we have 70+ SET files, manually load each file in 850 & replicate in 950 is very difficult, prone to errors.


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Message 3 of 6



There are many differences between the two. That is why you cannot use the files from the DL850.

Also there is no utility available to convert the files.


I am afraid that I cannot make in any better than this.





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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by GRamy

Both the 850 and 950 support a top-level "Query all settings" command for every category of command, such as:


:ACQuire? (Upper-level query) Queries all waveform acquisition settings.

:CHANnel<x>? (Upper-level query) Queries all vertical axis settings of a channel.


And so on.


The only thing I can suggest is that you could do something like this:

1. Reset 850 scope to all default settings

2. Run every top-level  "Query all settings" command, including all channels separately, and save the results

3. Load a set file

4. Re-run the same set of top-level  "Query all settings" commands

5. Compare these to the values for everything under the default settings

6. For everything that's identical to the default, remove them from the list

7. On the 950 scope, reset to all default settings

8. Send all set commands for everything that wasn't default on the 850

9. Check for errors after each setting, log them

10. If no errors, save the set file on the 950.  If there are errors, check manuals for both scopes to see why old settings can't be used on new 950 and manually resolve

11. Repeat for next set file

Message 5 of 6

Thanks for your inputs @kyle.


Yes it is a better way to replicate the set files for 950 instrument. I will try out and keep you posted.

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Message 6 of 6