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Heart Rate monitor



i am so interested with heart rate monitor design in the attached file , it helped me a lot in my module. 

but i would like to ask about two things:

1- how if i wanted to add a new graph which is going to plot a binary numbers that are received from AVR by 'COM'?

2- Can someone explain for me the process of the design and what each part is doing?



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 17

1 - If you want to add a new graph, go ahead and do so! If the data will be received at the same time as the heart rate data, then you might be able to update it in the same loop - if not, consider a separate loop.


2 - This VI that you attached uses a series of 'Express VI's to create a simulated signal, then analyse it for BPM. The comments above/below each Express VI explain the purpose. Which are giving you a problem?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 17



1-actually its my first time with the labview software, I have no background with software so how can i deal with the loops? can you please do it for me so i can understand what are you saying.


2- could you please explain more about the process in each stage and why theres 2 filters for the graphs?


3- I have one more question is it supposed to be count each time "for the graphs" in my file it counting each 4 times?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 17

1 - I can't write the loops for you because I don't know what you might want to put in them. The links at the top of this forum are very helpful for getting started with LabVIEW, and if you have both time and access, you should take a look at the online training available (especially, for example, 'Core 1' and 'Core 2'). The example VI you attached to this thread uses a 'While' loop, which repeats everything inside the grey looping box until the condition wired to the 'Stop' terminal (the little red dot in a square, towards the bottom left) becomes true (when you push the stop button).


2 - There are two filters because they do different things. Googling 'high pass filter' and 'low pass filter' should explain the purpose better than I can, but essentially they are removing high-frequency and low-frequency modes of the input waveform. These operations are not specific to LabVIEW.


3 - I'm sorry - I don't understand your third question. 

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 17


1- how can i change the counting instead each 4 time to 1 each time?


2- and how can i interface LabVIEW with 'AVR' serially using 'COM' ports?


3- do i need to add a new graph to show the Binary number from AVR? 


Design is attached.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 17

@shryan77 wrote:


1- how can i change the counting instead each 4 time to 1 each time?


That's easy, if you mean "Why does (BPM) always show a multiple of 4 instead of the integers "in between".


The answer has nothing to do with LabVIEW, but everything to do with Mathematics.  How do you (meaning shryan77) compute BPM?  You take #Found, which (from the blue color of the wire) is an Integer, make it a Float, divide it by 15, and multiply it by 60.  (N /15) * 60 = 4N, so if N is an integer, 4N will be changing by 4's.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 17

Hi shryann77,


Great to hear you've found LabVIEW and this example helpful in your module! As you're new to LabVIEW, I would agree with cbutcher that the online training is a good place to start. Then you'll be able to modify the VI yourself to make it exactly what you are looking for.


'LabVIEW basics' is free for everyone, and if your institution/company has a support contract you will also be able to do Core 1 or 2. Links below:


And regarding your question about interfacing with a microcontroller via RS232, you would want to use VISA for this. See Help>Find examples 'Simple' or 'Continuous Serial Write and' within LabVIEW to get an idea of what you can do with it.


Best regards,

Leah E

Applications Engineer
National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 17

how can i add a new graph to show the Binary number from AVR "COM"? 

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 17

How are you communicating with your AVR? After searching around I found out that this is an Atmel product line with a large number of products, and many (all? I only checked the first page of results on their website) have multiple communication options.


You mention COM, so I'm guessing you've connected the device via serial connection? If so, you might be using the VISA Read VI to read your data?


It's really quite difficult to give suggestions when we know none of this information - your VI attached only generates simulated data and has no communication of any sort.


As to graphing a binary number, you can try the Digital Waveform Graph, or you can continue to use the normal Waveform Chart/Graphs. If you really want, you can use the XY graph, but that will be unnecessarily more complicated than the other graphs/charts.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 17

How are you communicating with your AVR? After searching around I found out that this is an Atmel product line with a large number of products, and many (all? I only checked the first page of results on their website) have multiple communication options.


You mention COM, so I'm guessing you've connected the device via serial connection? If so, you might be using the VISA Read VI to read your data?


It's really quite difficult to give suggestions when we know none of this information - your VI attached only generates simulated data and has no communication of any sort.


As to graphing a binary number (I'm guessing you mean the output of your device via the communication channel, and not the value of a binary number), you can try the Digital Waveform Graph, or you can continue to use the normal Waveform Chart/Graphs. If you really want, you can use the XY graph, but that will be unnecessarily more complicated than the other graphs/charts.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 17