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Help ERROR" -410, “Query INTERRUPTED”"

It´s a simple program. I need to control Keithley 2400 sourceMeter using GPIB.
First I configure my instrument for meas V and source I;
Second I start the event;  
After I request the results in display.
I think that I´m making a mistake in comunication.
With the commands :READ? and :DISP:DATA?
I don´t know but In manual they´re write about this error:

Sending a query to the instrument and then sending another command or query

before reading the response to the first query

I´m posting my code for avaliable.
Thank you for attention!
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Message 1 of 4
Your wiring is an absolute mess and when you are doing a read, you don't specify a byte count. You need to do this in order to get data back. If you had used the VISA functions VISA Write and VISA Read instead of the lower level GPIB Write and GPIB Read, you would have gotten a broken VI until you wired in a byte count. The wiring is easier if you use VISA as wel.
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Message 2 of 4

thank you!

What´s the difference between program with GPIB and using VISA? I can use visa ?


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Message 3 of 4

I don't want to go into the whole history of VISA but it is an API that is capable of of communicating over a wide variety of hardware. It supports GPIB, serial, USB, ethernet, TCP/IP, PXI, etc. A single driver for an instrument can be used with any of these interfaces and that makes VISA highly portable and eases the task of people who write drivers since they only have to learn a single API. Even if you stick with only GPIB, it is portable across GPIB controllers from different vendors as long as they provide a VISA driver. For example, if you switched from an NI to an Agilent GPIB board, your code would not have to change. The GPIB functions you are using will work only with NI cards. All new drivers from NI are written with VISA functions. If you submiot a driver to NI for approval, it too has to be written with VISA.

By the way, someone has already written a driver for the 2400. You might want to look at .

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Message 4 of 4