I don't think I understand the data structure you're trying to unwrap. It sounds like you might have an array of clusters, where each cluster contains two numerics (probably doubles), although your statement "1D array that is had up of two clusters" is unclear to me. My guess is that this is the case however, and that those represent (x,y) coordinates/points which you would like to plot. Fortunately, this structure can immediately be plotted to an XY-Graph! The XY-Graph can take 3 types of structures:
1). a cluster of two arrays, where the first array is an array of x-coordinates and the second array is an array of corresponding y-coordinates
2). and array of clusters, where the cluster contains two numerics; the first numeric is an x-coordinate and the second is the corresponding y-coordinate. This is exactly the case you have!
3). (8.0 and later only) The final structure accepted by the XY-Graph is an array of complex values, where the XY-Graph is now to be interpreted as the Complex plane, where of course the real parts of the complex values are plotted on the x-axis and the imaginary parts on the y-axis.
If you need to unravel the data for some reason, you can use the array index or array subset functions to get parts of an array, and the unbundle and unbunble by name functions to pull apart your clusters.
I hope this helps!
Best Regards,