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Help for a student (sending data throw a network)


I´m a student of mediainformatic, so please be gentle 😉

I have to write a c# programm, wich gets data from a LabVIEW 2015 programm. Now the guys who should send the data came to me and ask me how they send this data to a network. YES...

I´ve never worked with LabVIEW bevor and can´t find (for my suprice) any help or tutorial in the internet. Hope some of you could help me. 

If you need more informations just ask 😉 

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Message 1 of 5

Why do you care about how LabVIEW send data via TCP/IP? According to your own words you have to write a C# programm.


My recommendation: Use the "basic" TCP-Read/Write, TCP-Open, TCP-Close functions. These are available in LabVIEW and I strongly assume also in C#.


Now you only have to agree on a protocol on how to transfer data and which programm will wait for opening a connection.


Regards, Jens

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Message 2 of 5

What exactly are you looking for?  Basic LabVIEW tutorials?  Look at the top of the LabVIEW forum board and you will see links.  TCP Communications in LabVIEW?  Help->Find Examples, search for TCP/IP.


You could also supply the VI(s) that send the data and ask specific questions and we can help out that way.

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Message 3 of 5

Thanks for the link to tutorials. I´ll see them through.
The problem is, i´ve no plan how the VI´s look like. i was only told, that i have to send an array of doubles with 180 values.
I should only show them a demo, how to implement this sending option. My thought was like: Using an static array, that is sending via TCP to an static IPv4.
Something like this. Hope it helps

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Message 4 of 5

simply. My programm expends there project. This is in LabVIEW2015. They´ve said to me, they´ve no time to search for how they could implement m programm. The point is, that this project is my final exam in study. So even it wasn´t planed as my part, my exam stands and falls, with this part. Now i try to find a solution.

The network will be create and managed via c#, LabVIEW just have to connect to the network and send the Array.

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Message 5 of 5