02-15-2013 04:54 AM
My request is quiet simple but I don't understand why it doesn't work.
I want read a .wav sound file with the Play Sound File vi. But when I run the vi, an error message appears " Cannot recognize sound format"
I have tried with different .wav sound files but nothing works.
Do you know why this error happens ?
02-15-2013 05:56 AM - edited 02-15-2013 05:57 AM
Hi Nico,
when running that function with some standard Windows7 wave files it works as intended.
So the problem should be with your wave files...
You should attach one of those mangled wav files (maybe packed in a zip file)!
02-20-2013 09:01 AM
Ok thanks.
Since the last time I posted I've tried many other wav sounds but nothing works I still had the same Labview error.
I join you few of my wav files and maybe you can try it.
02-20-2013 09:23 AM
03-08-2013 09:38 AM
I'm using LV2012 on W7 and it still doen't work so I renounce and I will use another method.
Thank you for you help.
03-27-2013 09:43 PM - edited 03-27-2013 09:43 PM
I am having the same problem. I am running LabVIEW 2012 SP1 on Windows 7 with two .wav files generated by Winamp.
If I wire the .wav files to the Play Waveform Express VI they play fine.
If I wire them using the same method as you have above they do not.
Were you able to come up with another method?
05-10-2017 02:53 PM
Sorry for reviving an old post, but for future troubleshooters, it seems that this is a rather obtuse error that can even mean 'The file does not exist.' In my case, I didn't correctly build the path. You can easily test your system and your sound file by using the Sound Player.vi in the example folder. Replace the sample.wav file with whatever you're trying to play, and if it works, you know that the problem exists with your path, and not your system or file.
04-10-2019 12:07 AM
I had the same issue yesterday but can't figure out what to do.
04-10-2019 12:24 AM
@animeshsaxena wrote:
I had the same issue yesterday but can't figure out what to do.
Since this is a very old thread, please provide more detail. LabVIEW version, 32 or 64 bit? OS version? Exact wording of the error message? Fails on all sound files or only on some?