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Help on measuring and labelling data from 4 different probes through LCR E4980A using labview


Need to measure impedance (Z,theta) from 4 different probes using Agilent LCR E4980A meter through labview

Here is how this is done. Using two different vi's.

1-Switching vi-which is measuring impedance from Probe1 and switch to probe 2 and probe 3 and then to probe 4. (use medium rate on LCR)

2-Test vi-which uses a single frquenccy list from a text file to run continous sweep and stores the measured data in a file.

Test runs for about 1 hour.


The stored data does not tell or label which data is for probe 1 or probe 2 and so on. All 1 hour data is in one file and very difficult to point to corresponding probe and kind of useless.


As there are two separe vi's being used, is there a way to record or label the data withe the corresponding probe number or some way to point probe with data recorded? Any help would be appreciated.

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Message 1 of 3

Yes, it is possible to do what you want to do. Step one is to post your code so we can see what you have done so far.



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Message 2 of 3

Thanks! Mike for your reply.

I am attaching three files, I hope this helps to understand.

1-Frequency List.txt - is just frequency listed in txt file to run LCR continously

2-Frequency Sweep Data - is the labvie vi which runs and stores LCR data in a file

3-LCR Switching in labview (jpg) is also a vi which switches between 4 probes for measurement.(e.g. Probe1-Ref-A, Probe2=Ref-B, Probe3=Ref-C and probe4=Ref-D)


From here lets say when program measures probe1 , the data stored from file 2 should somehow points to that and then the program switches to probe2 the data should show that and similarly other two probes. Currently the stored data is one big fle with no mention of which data is for which probe.


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Message 3 of 3