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How I can install Labview in an ADS with an MSI Package


I want to create a Labview 8.5.1 MSI installation Package to install it via Group Policy Object (GPO) in an Active Directory Service (ADS).

Is there an easy way to do it?

It will be easier to administrate the Software in this way.

I'm working at an University and we bought a campus license. I have installed a license server.


Thank you for any help.



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Message 1 of 4

I don't think you can.


Your best bet will be the silent install.


I have seen such request previous but never seen anyone actually doing it.


But for a conclusive answer I would contact your local support.



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Message 2 of 4

Thank you for your answere, I will do it.

I thought I first try to ask the forum.



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Message 3 of 4

Our network admin has been requesting this for years.  One day, maybe it will happen and all the toolkits/addons will have a similar call mechanism, but last I heard, today is not that day.


Our guy made custom batch scripts to call the right installers at the right times, but in this case, anytime we want to upgrade versions, he has to do testing to make sure the new installers don't mess up any old ones.  It's quite a hassle for us, which is why we are still at 8.2

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Message 4 of 4