08-28-2007 10:49 PM
08-29-2007 03:56 PM
08-30-2007 06:13 PM
I am using DAQ 6036E on my laptop. After installing NI-DAQ 7 CD1, I can see the DAQcard-6036E(Device1) under Traditional NI-DAQ devices of Devices and interface in Measurement and Automation. I cann't see NI-DAQmx under Devices and interface. I tried to install NI-DAQmx several times, but failed.
I think that NI-DAQmx shows up to start the procedure that you said.
Do both NI-DAQmx and Traditional NI-DAQ support DAQcard-6036E?
How can I install the NI-DAQmx?
08-31-2007 11:00 AM
09-01-2007 03:44 PM
Thanks, Elizabeth
I installed the driver. I am using SignalExpress 2.5 to generate Gaussian pulse.
The pulse that I need is attached. The time width is t0=2sec and the center of the gassian is 5 second.
The period(the triggering rate) is 25s(1/25Hz).
I am using the menus, Add step>>Create signals>> Create analog signal and Add step>>Generate signals>>Analog output>>voltage.
I typed exp(-(t-5).^2/t0) in the formula blank under the Create analog signal, and gave external triggering under Analog output.
But the pulse was not generated. Please let me know whether the SignalExpress 2.5 can be used for generating the Gaussian pulse or not. If it does, could you please let me know the procedure?
09-04-2007 02:19 PM
I took a look at the following that is from the Signal Express help file along with your equation. You may not be able to make a guassian signal based on your equation that has t0. The following details which variables you can use to define your signal.
You can use the following defined variable names: