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How can I hide multiple instances of VI's on the task bar?

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I'm a newbie to LabVIEW OOP, during the process of debugging the project I tend to use step into function to test & observe subvi's & this will lead to open up several sub vi instances on the taskbar




this is fine if the number of sub vi's are limited & fits within the main task bar, but most of the time it goes beyond the main task bar and every time when I want to switch between other programs I then have to use up/down arrow & this is really annoying & time consuming.


is there a better way to manage/hide these sub vi instances, just display one vi icon with a list on the task bar?

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Message 1 of 4
To tell the truth, I've never noticed the effect that you have related. My first response is that it is the result of the reentrancy that OOP imposes. In any case though, I would call it a bug because there should be no reason for this to occur.

What version of LabVIEW are you running? What OS?

To answer your specific question, one possible solution is that there is (or at least was -- I haven't checked recently) a setting that caused LabVIEW to only have one tab on the taskbar no matter how many VIs are open. Would that help?

Come to think of it, that may be the default behavior of Win10 anyway. I'll look when I get to work.


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Message 2 of 4
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Right click on the taskbar, select properties. Look for Taskbar Buttons, it's probably set to "never combine"
Message 3 of 4

Thanks for the responce Mike 🙂


I'm using LabVIEW 2014 (32 Bit) & Win 7 (64 Bit)

Best Regards
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Message 4 of 4