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How can I install PXI-6704 into PXI1031?

I need to install the PXI-6704, (it has 16 extra AO points) to PXI 1031, in one of the free slots.

1.What are the precautions to be taken?

2. Is it just removing the screws and just inserting the card?

 I also bought the SCB 68 terminal board and NI-SCB-68 Shielded desktop connector block.

1. How can I connect the terminal block into the Shielded desktop connector block? What are the precautions?

2. SCB-68 pin diagram show only 68pins with 2 AO points than how can I use it for 16more AO points what will be the pin connection?

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Message 1 of 4



Inserting the PXI card is as simple as removing the slot blocker on the front of the chassis, inserting the card and tightening up two screws. Don't force the card in, there are rails and it should slide smoothly until the card is nearly fully in and then you will feel some resistance as the card slides home. Dont insert the card with the PXI chassis powered on and don't force the card. Sometimes the cards can be a little stiff when inserted so don't be afraid.


I am confused by your comment on the SCB-68 terminal board and SCB-68 shielded connector block. The SCB stands for 'Shielded Connector Block'. You cannot connect the terminal block into the Shielded desktop connector block as they are one and the same thing.


The SCB-68 diagram will not tell you where to hook up your wires. You need to study the pinout for the 6704 card. It will tell you which pin on the SCB-68 you need to use for the AO's.

You have this already installed on your computer, goto Start>>Program Files>>National Instruments>>NI-DAQ>>NI-DaqMX Help. This Help file contains a section called 'NI-DAQmx Device Terminals>>DAQ Devices and then lots of cards underneath. Scroll down to the NI 6704 and you will see which pins on the SCB-68 route to which channels on the PXI board.


The SCB-68 works with a huge number of different cards and as such needs to be non-specific in terms of which pin goes where- so the pinout for the connector block changes depending on which card is connected


I hope this clafafies things a little,






Senior Software Engineer
Message 2 of 4

Thank you for your reply!!!!

Yes I mean the terminal board need to be placed in the Shield compact box.

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Message 3 of 4

I got this info:

seems helpful .........

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Message 4 of 4