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How can I load lsb files dynamically

OS:               Linux Debian/RedHat

LabVIEW:    8.2 Professional



I have the problem developing a LabVIEW application which needs to be run on Linux Debian and RedHat. That's working for the LabVIEW stuff but I also have to import some .lsb files compiled from C code. Everytime I switch the systems I have to recompile and reload the .lsb files manually. The recompiling is ok if LabVIEW would reload the new .lsb files automatically.


Is there a way to load the .lsb files dynamically when the VI is opened or started?




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Message 1 of 4

Have you tried specifying the path on the block diagram?  In the configuration dialog, on the Function tab, check Specify path on diagram.  A path input will then appear on the call library node.  Wire in the path to the lsb and you should be good to go.

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Message 2 of 4
I tried the 'Call Library Function Node' but now I have a new problem: The function of the shared library returns an array of LStrHandles but that data type I cannot specify within the CLFN. Is this a limitation to the CLFN?
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Message 3 of 4

Found it by my own 😉 - I configured the parameter the following way:


Use type: Adapt to Type

Dataformat: Handles by Value


Then I connected an array of strings to it and generated the C-code file.

Message Edited by on 03-11-2009 12:09 PM
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Message 4 of 4